S. pombe KO library viewer

Proteome-wide effects of single gene perturbations in a eukaryotic cell

Merve Öztürk1, Anja Freiwald1, Jasmin Cartano1, Ramona Schmitt1, Mario Dejung1, Katja Luck1, Sigurd Braun2, Michal Levin1 and Falk Butter1

1Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), 55122 Mainz, Germany
2Department of Physiological Chemistry, Biomedical Center, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany

Eukaryotic gene expression is controlled at the transcriptional, translational and protein degradation level. While transcriptional outcomes, which are commonly also used as a proxy for protein abundance, have been investigated on a larger scale, the study of translational output requires large-scale proteomics data. We here determined the individual proteome changes for 3,308 non-essential genes in the yeast S. pombe. By similarity clustering of proteome changes, we infer gene functionality that can be extended to other species such as human or baker’s yeast. We observed that genes with high proteome remodeling are predominantly involved in gene expression regulation, in particular acting as translational regulators. Focusing on the knockout strains with a large number of altered proteins, we performed paired transcriptome/proteome measurements to uncover translational regulators and features of translational regulation.

Five data types can be explored on this website:

  1. The effect of the knockdown of single genes on the protein levels of other genes - LINK
  2. The levels of single proteins across different knockout strains - LINK
  3. Clusters of knockout strains with similar effects on protein levels of target genes - LINK
  4. Clusters of genes with similar effects upon knockdown of single genes - LINK
  5. Correlations between changes on the mRNA and protein level of target genes upon knockdown of single genes - LINK

Data acquisition: Proteomics screen with thousands of single gene deletion strains

To systematically investigate the effect of individual gene deletions on the proteome, we used the S. pombe haploid knockout collection with 3,308 individually deleted genes [Kim et al., Nat Biotechnol. 2010]. We took advantage of the 96-well array format of the deletion library (Bioneer, version 3.0) by combining eight knockout strains with 2 different controls per mass spectrometry (MS) measurement (Figure 1a) and assessed the proteome of the 3,308 knockout strains by quantitative proteomics using 10plex TMT (tandem mass tag) [Thompson et al., Anal Chem. 2002] amounting to 469 MS runs (panel a). One of the controls served as technical control required for run-to-run normalization and was generated by growing a large batch of S. pombe wild-type cells. The other biological controls were S. pombe wild-type replicates, grown alongside the knockout strains to be able to judge biological protein expression level variation in wild-type cells (see publication for comprehensive information on normalization approach).

Overall we quantified 2,921 proteins (56 % of protein-coding genes), with a mean of 1,596 proteins per strain, ranging from 1,369 to 1,996 proteins (panel b). Of the 2,921 quantified proteins, 985 (34%) could be quantified in at least 90% of the knockout strains and 1,548 (53%) in at least 50% of the knockout strains.

Proteomics screen to study proteome expression in a knockout library. a, Schematics of the experimental design for quantifying protein expression levels in the S. pombe knockout collection by quantitative proteomics using 10plex TMT. Each MS run contained a technical (127C label) and a biological control (130N label). b, Normalized protein expression levels of 3,308 knockout strains and 461 wild-type replicates. The complete dataset contains quantification for 2,921 protein-coding genes of which 513 proteins were quantified across all samples.

An explanation on how to use our web interface can be downloaded here: "How To"

Data access:

Proteome data has been uploaded to proteomeXchange with the dataset identifiers PXD024332 (genome-wide screen) and PXD024383 (94 gene set). Transcriptomics data has been submitted to GEO with the dataset identifier GSE167543 (94 gene set).

Proteome Data

In this section the effects of the knock-out of individual genes can be explored. Enter a gene name or select a gene from the list below to see the protein intensities of all measured proteins upon knockout (left panel) or the differential regulation when compared to wild-type (right panel).

Download differential regulation statistics table

In this section the protein intensities of individual proteins across KO strains can be explored. Enter a protein name or select one from the list below to see the protein intensities of your protein of interest in all knockout strains (KO strains) and in all wild-type replicates (wt (n=461))

In this section the clusters established by KO strain intensities across proteins can be explored. Proteins from the same cluster are depicted as black dots (nodes). Established String db interactions are depicted with grey lines (edges)

Download full KOStrain cluster table

In this section the clusters established by protein intensities across KO strains can be explored. Proteins from the same cluster are depicted as black dots (nodes). Established String db interactions are depicted with grey lines (edges)

Download full Protein cluster table

In this section the changes in expression on the transcriptome and the proteome level upon knock-out of individual genes can be explored. Enter a gene name or select a gene from the list below to see the effect of the knock-out of the protein of interest on the transcription levels of relevant target genes (x-axis) in comparison to the changes in their protein intensities (y-axis). The correlation distribution is ploted in the lower right.


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